Welcome to the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith

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... to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Online. It is our hope that you enjoy looking through our content and derive a fuller understanding of our organization and it's mission to enlighten the world about the message of Jesus Christ and his continuing love and intercession for us. Please check our "National Calendar" and feel free to join us for regular services, conferences and conventions.

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Deacon Bobby Ward Lady Eunice Thomas Minister James Strong

Men's Department






Joyfully unto the Lord

Women's Department

The Women's Department mission is to encourage women to exhibit a Christian character, teaching and reflecting modesty, while at the same time, promoting confident, educated, mature, and sensitive women to have a voice in the administrative business of the church organization.

Youth Department

The Youth Department was founded to guide the energies of the youth, by designing programs and activities that build character, foster individual talents and strengths, to develop and promote leadership skills, and to groom for future church roles and responsibilities.

Welcome to the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Welcome to the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Welcome to the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith